
Catching up in pictures!

Did I blog about this already?! We all got sick with colds, but Abby got the flu at the beg. of March (even tho we did the shot this year) and it turned into pneumonia. :( So, we are the proud owners of a cute little penguin nebulizer! As you can see, she got quite good at it and even to the point where we could do it in the car while running her brothers to BB! VERY thankful for that our car has a plug-in!

Basketball season is DONE! We started in October, so it is quite a long season. Two weeks off and now we roll into baseball. Very excited for my boys...they just found out tonight that they each made the AAA teams. They have been taking baseball lessons since January, so their off-season work paid off. We love baseball season at our house! Will be interesting to see what it is like with Abby and no way to contain her! Hopefully we'll play at some fields that have a park close by so I can watch the game and play with Abby.

 Josiah was awarded "Mr. Reliable" by his coach. Very nice. 
 Cutest little cheerleader! :)
 Both were exhausted after a long w/end of hoops!
 FINALLY getting OUTSIDE!!! Abby LOVES being outside and wants to EAT the snow! The snow was almost gone yesterday and then we just got 3++inches today! :(
 Josiah was "Jackie Robinson" in their wax museum at school. So fun to see all the kids dressed up and hear their speeches.
 Our 9 month post-placement report is DONE!!!! We are suppose to send 10-15 pictures to India as a part of the report and at least one family picture. Well, I didn't have one from the last 3 months so I had to have our social worker take a picture that night! I can't believe everyone was looking and smiling cuz we just took 2. WOW!
 Abby and I took a "Sign and Sing" Kindermusik class! It was lots of fun. As you can see, Abby was the oldest and only mobile one. She has quite a few signs she can use now. She also has a speech teacher coming to our house 1 time per week through our school district who works on signs too. She is picking it up quickly and says the word while she signs, which is great.

 I was chasing her a lot! :) She thought it was pretty funny!
 "Guard your babies!" Abby is on the loose. Throwing toys was an issue and the last day she threw one that hit a boy in the head. Fortunately, the baby had a helmet on to shape his skull. WHEW! 

 "Aren't I cool?"
Back to basketball, I guess (pictures out of order on this post...sorry). Sam's funny award from his coaches, "Wardrobe malfunction of the season". Guess he needed a mom who could sew his practice jersey...oops!
And look what I cooked tonight...my first Indian dish that wasn't out of a jar, "Buttered Chicken"! Thanks to April Pfieffer! Unfortunately, my boys didn't even give it a chance. They are usually such good eaters, that it was weird having them not eat what was in front of them. Scott and I both LOVED it! Abby, who only eats mac&cheese and cheerios, didn't eat much either. I was bummed cuz she has liked the 2 other Indian dishes I bought. Maybe it was just the night. She is going to get evaluated for private speech therapy next week and they will check to see if she needs some OT work for texture-related food eating issues. Interesting! 
Lastly, poor Josiah had surgery yesterday (guy stuff <wink>)so this momma has been busy being a nurse! They told us to expect today to be the worst for pain and by later tomorrow he should start feeling better! Staying on top of the prescription pain meds for now. So glad it's done!!! My brother and his family are coming on Sunday and we hope he'll be ready to play with cousins! :)


  1. I love seeing the updated pictures! I so wish I were there to share all this... When are you coming to visit AR? It's beautiful - 70's, sun, flowers and no SNOW!

  2. hah! We have the exact same nebulizer....and its out again, in full swing! Love the pictures. So sorry we didn't connect in Minneapolis. BTW, I'm going to India...May or June. Pray!

  3. I just found your blog. Katie (Baldwin) Guida suggested it to me as my husband and I just accepted a referral for a little girl (Charu) from India yesterday. We were in the process of adopting from Ethiopia, but God had something else in store this time around. We're excited to learn more about India and about our little girl (she'll be 2 in May) through blogs like yours. Thanks so much for sharing and you have an amazingly beautiful family!

  4. Loved all the pics! Cute family!
